Diver-Assisted Suction Harvesting with DUX Boats

Your Customized Solution to Invasive Plant Removal Naturally

Phone: (989) 848-8400 / Text: (989) 335-0858

Email: fred@duxnaro.com and wendy@duxnaro.com

Getting ahold of us is easy. There are always other methods of communication we can discuss as well once you get in contact with us. Since the projects we work on for our clients are entirely customized to their needs, letting us know what your situation is, what your budget is, what you’re looking to accomplish, and where you are, starts us out so that we can work with you to nd the solution you need that works for you.

You can simply give us a call or send us a text message any time. If you’d like some time to formulate your questions or prefer just to write, email works great for us too.

If your organization is looking for just the right boat for your lake’s aquatic invasive species safe, non-chemical removal, please give us a call to discuss your project and what ideas you have. We would be happy to help you and your group design and produce the perfect DUX boat and system to match
for your invasive plant removal… naturally.

Whatever you need, we can get it for you